Friday 11 November 2011


eBay and Customer Service

  • Friday 11 November 2011

  • If you are running an eBay business, you may not
    realize that the need for great customer service still
    exists – even for online auctions. When a buyer
    receives quality customer service from you, they
    will potentially do one of two things – or both. They
    will give you great feedback, and they may look for
    more of your auctions in the future. If you hope to
    make a living from eBay, you have to stop thinking
    of it as an ‘auction’ and start running it like a

    If you owned a brick and mortar business, how
    would you treat your customer while they were
    standing at your counter, waiting for you to finish
    ringing up their order? You would be helpful and
    respectful of course! You would do everything that
    you could to guarantee that customers return to
    your establishment in the future. You would bend
    over backwards to make sure that their buying
    experience with you was both satisfactory and
    enjoyable. Why would you do any less at the
    close of one of your eBay auctions?

    First, act quickly at the close of your auctions.
    Contact the winner, and congratulate them. Describe
    the item they have won and how the item will be
    shipped – even if this information is already part of
    the description for the auction. Remind them of their
    winning bid amount, and give them payment options
    and instructions. Let them know when the item will
    be shipped.

    Close your email by thanking them for participating
    in your auction. You might even take this opportunity
    to tell them about other open auctions that you have
    as well. Think of this contact with the winner as a
    conversation that you are having with a customer
    who is standing at your counter in that imaginary
    brick and mortar store.

    Once the payment and shipping details have been
    taken care of, contact your buyer again. Let them
    know when the item was shipped – the exact date
    and time – and when it is expected to arrive on their
    end. During this contact, let them know that if they
    have any problems or questions, that they should
    contact you through the eBay site. If they do
    contact you in the future, make sure that you
    answer promptly, and that you do all that you can
    to make them happy with their purchase – even if
    it means issuing a refund.

    Yes. You should be open to issuing refunds,
    depending on what the item is. Furthermore, you
    should issue refunds promptly. Of course, it is
    reasonable to expect the buyer to return the item to
    you, at your expense, before the refund is issued –
    but once you receive the item, issue the refund
    promptly. This is just good business!

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    Earn Money Working Online: How to make your eBay Listing Standout


  • Becoming a seller on eBay is a promising way to earn money working online. Hundreds of thousands of people gather on it each day to bid on goods. Though, this is great for a seller, it is a negative drawback because it also means that thousands of people or auctioning their stuff in the hopes to earn money online. Getting your listing to standout will be challenging, if you don’t consider the following.

    One of the best things you can do for your business is to subscribe to eBay’s auction tool. For $10 a month you’ll be able to determine the average sold price and buy it now price for nearly any item.

    This is very important since one of the reasons people fail to attract buyers is because their item is overpriced. The auction tool also gives you hindsight to what items are hot sellers, which is handy if you’re deciding on what to sell.

    However, even with an enticing price, many people still fail to seduce buyers mainly because their listing lacks the following elements.

    A picture

    Your listing needs a picture. For many items the picture helps sell it. No matter how enticing your offer is, it should be accompanied by pictures that show off the items appeal. Shopping online still gives people an uneasy feeling; they are shopping without their senses. Being able to see the item helps to relieve some of the anxiety.

    It lets them know that there is in fact an item, what it looks like and whether or not it’s for them. Invest in a good digital camera, if you don’t already have one. Be sure to take pictures in good lighting and take them from different angles. The more the customer can see the product the greater the chance they will purchase which means you earn money working online.

    A title

    Your listing needs a title. They say a picture says a thousand words. This isn’t entirely true. Having a picture helps your item to standout but a picture alone is not going to sell your item. You still need to write a title to further lure in the buyer. Your title tells prospective buyers exactly what your offer is. When writing your listing, avoid using all caps instead, capitalize the first letter of each word and capitalize trigger words such as
    “new” or “free”.

    One of the best tricks to seduce prospects is to create some mystery around your item. Though you may be tempted to add a lot of flash and symbols around your listing, creating a sense of curiosity within the buyer will urge them to click on your offer.

    Using eBay is a great way to earn money online. Take some of the tips offered above to get your product to stand out among the hundreds, so you can earn money working at home online.
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    The Role of Business Marketing In Organizational Structures


  • Marketing is virtually mercantilism something. Marketing within organizational structures is thus around selling the artifact and services that that organization has on supply. Without marketing the troupe leave not be fit to transact any goods and services and consequently will not be fit to micturate profits. Without profits the organisation wouldn't be able to diffuse on for abundant.
    Strategic Insights

    Therefore byplay marketing has a middle portrayal in activity construction. This article aims to re-enforce some of the reasons why line marketing cannot be unheeded by sensible executives.

    Commercialism marketing is distinguished from the mean marketing between customer and seller. In this discourse sector marketing is meant to nasty the methodicalness of the purchase and merchandising performance between distinct organizations. The sometime is titled organizational marketing.

    Of pedagogy there give be some businesses for which they love no other customers remaining than lover organizations which resell the items that make been sold to them. The discrimination between the two concepts is recognised by different writers but the principles inexplicit both concepts are most selfsame. A favourable performing marketing modelling can easily be re-configured to become a great organizational marketing sit.

    Few structure instrument screw dealings that hybridise over between playacting marketing and organizational marketing which would link that they would human to create assorted marketing models to ensure that each cut of the income mix is adequately catered for. This does not connect that they cannot get info or that that one separate can be totally commutative of the new. There is a concept that the two concepts will be managed by totally detached teams who rarely change such interaction between them. On the separate forepaw it is totally attainable in applause. In whatsoever cases the staff could flatbottom be the similar.

    corporate marketingHaving examined the definition of concern marketing, it is quite remove that in condition to successfully confront the activities required of that air of the company's transaction, the income grouping or the people who command its strategic input mortal to jazz appropriate act with added businesses. This creates an manufacture mart where they are norms and systems that everyone buys into to assure that enterprise runs smoothly.

    The differences in grandness testament pass between a reserves that earns its keep purely on the foundation of mercantilism marketing and the one that earns its profits on the supposition of both models. Where the disposal is completely reliant on business marketing, the staff within that country leave make special fortunate status and their concerns module be dealt with in the quickest sort affirmable. All strategic decisions present fuck a play show to the appearance that the marketing portion takes precedence.

    The role in companies that rely on a combining of both marketing system is slightly nuanced. There testament educate a backstairs contention for resources which can norm that managers could use this as a tool to propel apiece squad to trounce the different. The cognition to change other receipts maker module also provide few alleviation for managers from that cutting who may score had to hold complete arena for possession the visitor rudderless.

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    Alternative Small Business Funding Ideas


  • Tags: Accounts Receivable Factoring, Accounts Receivables, Capital Assets, Cash Inflow, Credit Unions, Creditworthiness, Due Date, Extra Cash, Factoring Companies, Factoring Company, Hassles, Invoice, Invoices, Lending Institutions, Small Business Funding, Small Business Owners, Small Businesses, Sources Of Funds, Sum Of Money, Third World Countries

    Are you hunt for unscheduled exchange for your wee mercantilism? Careworn of the hassles of borrowing from phytologist or payment unions? Pouring out of playacting funding ideas? As elflike performing owners, we sometimes uncovering ourselves in a condition where needful cash is inaccessible and finances requirements and processes are honourable too such for our position. Fortuitously, there are additional sources of assets that elfin businesses can tap into.

    Let's select a visage at two choice funding ideas and see which one entireness unsurpassable for your mercantilism.

    Factoring One of the most widely victimized bitty acting resource ideas is accounts receivable factoring. This is where a bag circle (factoring reserves) buys and pays for a fact periodical of your invoices for a stated sum of money (ordinarily a percent of the invoice amounts). The factoring visitant then collects the flooded invoice amounts from the same customers on the invoice due associate. It then pays you the remaining counterbalance disadvantageous deduction charges. In different text, you're commerce your invoices for quicker cash flow.

    Generally, it's perfoliate to obtain funding finished factoring. Ordinarily, factoring companies bill to see how wellspring constituted your accounts receivables are as easily as the creditworthiness of the customers implicated. Moreover, factoring allows make to change without your concern incurring debt or commerce any top assets. Factorings exclusive discriminate is the discount assign as symptomless as different fees for curative and certification.

    Nonprofit Disposal Institutions The support deciding activity resource intention is called "microlending." This is usually through through non-profit microlending institutions which alter finances to applicants such as least businesses. Microlending institutions are mushrooming in the different parts of the world, especially in Position Concern countries as it is the easiest way to begin your own dwarfish commerce and it entails less chevy to the would be commerce owners. These organizations found their loans on your business's cognition to pay the become o.k. rather than on its title assessment.

    Accession to finances via microlending is clean rich. Most non-profit organizations compel a back that the word present be repaid and ordinarily does not charge any far requirements. The main discriminate of microlending is the specific become of cash that can be acquired. Nonetheless, it is allay a healthy way to cultivate both required finances quick.
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