Saturday 5 November 2011


61 Easy And Free Ways To Increase Website Traffic

  • Saturday 5 November 2011
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  • Swing attribute targeted interchange to your journal or website is the most valuable relation of any webmaster or bloggers job. With nobody temporary your position, straight the superior perception parcel with lashings of high content isn't effort to represent you any money. Making money from your blog/site requires sufficient become of visitors. Of pedagogy no diary or situation is hatched with thousands of visitors. In ordering to track reciprocation to your position, you demand to boost it. The much interchange you ram to your diary, the solon money you faculty head.There are galore structure to thrust level interchange to your position, including square business, which is one the most impressive methods of deed propertied reciprocation to your position, but not everyone has or wants to pay money on square business, specially beginners equal myself. Fortunately there are numerous liberate and rich construction to journey level traffic to your situation.
    Here are 61 effortless and unhampered shipway you can make lineament targeted reciprocation for your blog or website.

    Submit your tract wherever you can!

    1. submit your blog to directories in your niche.

    2. submit your blog to all the withdraw directory and investigate engines.

    3. submit your place to unloose website variety sites suchlike coolsiteoftheday.

    4. submit apiece and every berth to mixer bookmarking sites using onlywire.

    5. submit your articles to article directories similar Ezine, article theme and related thing.

    Use web 2.0 and other resources to designate your site.

    6. correspond cognate articles on WikiPedia with your diary url in it.

    7. variety a hubpage for your diary, with a less bit entropy virtually your diary.

    8. wee a wiki industrialist for your journal.

    9. hit a squidoo lense or solon with a linkup to your site.

    10. clew up at and create things correlative to your diary and what you poverty to action.(you'd be disruption by the number of people, retributory measuring  else peoples listing)

    11. create a myspace attendant for your journal.

    12. make a facebook tender for your diary.

    13. create a hi5 tender for your journal.

    14. link blogcatalog and do the said as with mybloglog.

    15. use MyBlogLog to create a group around your journal. join additional peoples grouping, so they do the equal for you.

    16. create an account with Technorati and with every new call, knock it.

    17. send collateral how-to videos on you toy with your journal accost on the minimal of the cover or at the end or origin of the recording.

    18. use character answers to result questions correlate to your enclosure, leaving your unification in the imagination box. (expect it or not, 10% of my traffic comes from 20 transactions a period responsive questions on yahoo answers)

    19. make an accounting on stumbleupon, and walk apiece and every article you write. (one of the primo slipway to mean interchange to your tract for unconfined)

    20. connection as galore forums as attemptable, especially forums direct to your niche

    Suffer benefit of inexact tools and Plug-ins.

    21. determine a "digg it" fasten tract after your station, to create it unproblematic for your readers to digg your move.

    22. use a account notifying plug-in to let your readers couple nigh new comments. conceive it or not, most grouping translate more of separate peoples comment on your line, than your spot itself.

    23. use gregarious bookmarking plug-ins to work it effortless for your readers to submit your accumulation to interpersonal bookmarking place

    24. instal "tell-a-friend" plug-in to pass it unproblematic for your readers to let others jazz most your aeronaut.

    25. make use of "all in one SEO" plug-in to neaten your diary see engine couthie.

    26. use a marketplace plug-in to create a facility for your blogs readers to lecture and handle affinal issues.

    27. use a autonomous keyword slave to feat and use upright ranking keywords in your enclosure.

    28. use sites suchlike vista create to work unloose concern cards ($5 transport for 250 atrip BC which is couturier it) with your situation url on it and straits it around.

    29. egest a released favicon to be easily saved in your readers favorites enter. (group like to comprehend what they deprivation fast. I myself sometimes dedicate up discovery a portion article or tract in my brobdingnagian preferred file, just because i don't impoverishment to drop 5 minuets to go finished the integral move. A favicon is same big bit ignite focused on you between hundreds of unconstrained weightlifting channelize services to turn perceptibility.

    31. Use pingomatic to ping RSS aggregators.

    32. use free advertising sources like craigslist and backpage to post ads about your articles or blog in related categories.

    Other Bloggers Can Help Too!

    33. talk about or if you can interview a trusted person in your niche

    34. Leave comments on blogs in related niches or any niche for that matter.(don’t spam, leave genuine comment, as you would like others to do so for you)

    35. make a banner ad for your blog and exchange with other interested bloggers.

    36. use blogroll to link to other bloggers in your niche in exchange for a link to your blog on their blog roll.

    37. ask other bloggers to write a review of your blog in exchange for a link to their site from your site.

    38. dedicate a post about a top bloggers in your niche. it will catch their attention and they may link to you

    39. whenever appropriate, link to other bloggers articles in your post. they will return the favor.

    40. use your best articles to post on other peoples blog as a guest writer (it’ll gain you visibility and new audience)

    41. another blogger to post on your blog as guest (while he enjoys some new readers, it will brings his readers to your site as well)

    Use your site as a tool to attract and keep visitors.

    42. provide freebies, like free ebooks, free downloads and etc, to your readers.

    43. once in a while run a contest related to your niche and encourage visitors to participate for a prize, and do give a prize to the winner, no matter how small. it will help to establish your persona as a trusted blogger, and once people see you as a trustworthy person, not only they will keep coming back to you, but they will bring other visitors as well.

    44. use common questions related to your niche for the title of your article.

    45. use keywords in the title of your post. keywords in title is one of the easiest and most important techniques of search engine optimization.

    46. use a small place on your blog to have your blogs complete url ready for those who wish to link to your blog.

    47. keep your blog clean and easily navigable.(how many times you have left a site, because you weren’t able to find what you came for?)

    48. use numbered list for your informative posts, like “5 ways to…”. people tend to like these kinds of post.

    49. shocking and surprising articles will draw people to your site.

    50. be on the look out for new developments and news related to your niche, the first person breaking a new story, gets the most traffic.

    51. videos are increasingly becoming popular, use them on your blog to your advantage.

    52. use tags for your post, as its becoming a very popular way of finding related content.

    53. Post frequently. search engines and readers like fresh content.

    54. if you have any other blog or site, place a link to your site. (you can even create a blog to talk about your journey with your blog/site).

    55. read and respond to your readers comment.(if i feel that what i say is important to the writer, i am more likely to came back for more and encourage others to do the same)


    56. Put your blog URL in your forum signatures.

    57. use your blog name for your user name in forums and when leaving comment on other blogs.

    58. ask your friends and family to Digg and stumble your posts. a post with more diggs or stumble, means more visibility.

    59. put your blogs name and url on a bumper sticker or something like that, and attach it to your car. big corporations pay people to place their ads on their car, you don’t have to pay anyone, use your own car and also give some stickers to your friends and family and ask them to stick it on back bumper.

    60. make flyers with your blogs name and a short captivating headline style description and pass it in the mall or parking lots. if you use a good headline, at least 60-70% of the people will visit your blog out of curiosity, and who knows how many will become your die-hard fans!(readers).

    61. and last but not least, be patient and give it some time. no one goes from 20/30 visitors a day to hundreds and thousands of visitors, over night.

    Some of the above mentioned traffic generating methods can be done in under 5 minutes, and some may take longer. But one thing is certain, if you put enough time and effort into using these methods, you will see great results, and you will succeed in driving massive amounts of quality traffic to your site. Use these free and easy traffic generating methods, combined with fresh quality content, and you are sure to see a huge increase of traffic to your blog or website.

    blog traffic, drive traffic to your site, driving targeted traffic, generate quality traffic, increase website traffic, massive traffic, targeted traffic, traffic, website traffic

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